All donations support the PFI Crisis Fund to help folks in need.
Become a PFI Member
Pittsburgh Feminists for Intersectionality is a Pittsburgh-based intersectional community focused on amplifying and supporting Women of Color, Trans Women, Non-Binary, and Gender non-conforming folx.
Mission Statement:
Our main mission is to provide and take advantage of equal platforms and lend numbers of members before expecting numbers from others. We strive to meet each other where we are, taking the time to listen and support each other.
We want to help connect each other through our networks that might not otherwise collide, keeping each other informed on who is leading what and who is looking to join in the action.
We strive to unlearn what holds us back and come to a new understanding that helps us to move forward. We want to allow each other to make mistakes and for some of us to catch up while holding ourselves and each other accountable to learn from resources available, including each other.
We want to learn how each issue that we unite behind affects us differently, to make sure that our solutions benefit everyone.
We expect you to not retreat from criticism into denial or discouragement, but to instead use it to inform us and fortify us as allies. Use criticism to start a conversation, not to end it.
There will be tough moments and joyous ones. Thank you for taking this ride with us. Thank you for being a part of our community. We can’t wait to grow with you.